Scientific Conference: Green Agenda for Western Balkans

The University of Belgrade – Faculty of Geography organized and hosted the International Scientific Conference GREEN AGENDA FOR WESTERN BALKANS, during June 20-22, 2023 in Belgrade.

The comprehensive three-day event was filled with inspiring keynotes, panel discussions and high-level networking, bringing together researchers and scholars from Europe and beyond, but also technology leaders, companies, institutions, policy makers and other stakeholders related to the green transition sector to discuss important topics leading to a successful implementation of the Green Agenda in the Western Balkan countries. The conference aimed to facilitate the exchange and dissemination of scientific knowledge on spatial planning and linked sciences between the participants.

The conference themes were designed to align with the European Commission’s guidelines for implementing the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, which envisages actions around five pillars, covered also by the European Green Deal. Besides the five key areas, a special focus was put on spatial planning, as a one of the key implementation instruments, and digitalization as a key enabler for these pillars in line with the concept of the dual green and digital transition and inputs and new perspective from our young researchers.  The following seven sections were covered:

  • Section 1: Clean Energy Sources and Climate Protection
  • Section 2: Towards Circular Economy
  • Section 3: Depollution of Air, Water and Soil
  • Section 4: Sustainable Agriculture and Food Production
  • Section 5: Protection of Biodiversity and Ecosystems
  • Section 6: GreenFORCE – Green Agenda and Spatial Planning
  • Section 7: Young researchers /MSc and PhD students

As an event it witnessed an impressive turnout with over 200 visitors from various countries. More than 60 research topics were presented across the seven sections, featuring contributions from over 200 authors from Serbia, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden, North Macedonia, Albania, Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Greece, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary.

Authors of the abstracts presented at the conference belong to a large variety of different backgrounds and sectors, enabling very valuable and important diversity of the perspectives and approaches on the latest developments in key areas, providing valuable perspectives on the road ahead.

Presented innovative approaches and best practice examples, numerous strategic documents, projects, analyses etc. led us to high quality conclusions which will be used for further research and will be presented to policy makers in order to support them with their further decisions. In turn this will be used for further affirmation, improvement and more efficient implementation of the Green Transition concept in the Western Balkan (WBs).

To access the full book of abstracts from the conference, click here.

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