The Project
Key Crosscutting Issues
Ethics in Reseach
The Ethics in the GreenFORCE research will consider existing ethics in research institutional procedures, regulations, and policies that each of the GreenFORCE beneficiaries may already have in place, as well as the national policies, laws, regulations and (when the case) structures on ethics in research affecting the Project. The Ethics Guidelines will be aligned with the DMP and reflect all issues pertaining to FAIR principles of data management.
Gender Equality
Gender equality is a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. Equality is about ensuring that every individual has an equal opportunity to make the most of their lives and talents. In this regards, while all twinning partners of GreenFORCE embody a Gender Equality PLAN, the research methodology of GreenFORCE will mainstream gender balance principles and gender analysis in the mapping and assessment process conducted within the exploratory research.
Open Science
Open cooperative work and systematic sharing of knowledge and tools will be ensured as early and widely as possible in the GreenFORCE implementation, complying with the mandatory open science requirements, and adopting also recommended practices. In this regard, Green Force will ensure that all papers produced out of the research will be published into open access peer-reviewed scientific publications.
Just Green Transition
The just green transition refers to the social change strategy that will allow us to turn the current environmentally unsustainable global situation into a new sustainable paradigm "that drives development and peace, aiming to improve the living conditions of all" UN-Habitat. The new knowledge produced in the area of just green transition for the WB under the GreenFORCE project, and the enhanced research administration capacities will contribute to closing the research gap within Europe and to raising reputation and research profile of the WB institutions and their research staff.
Polycentric Model of Knowledge
Polycentric model of knowledge is part of the GreenFORCE scientific strategy which builds on 4 pillars: knowledge interactions; knowledge agents;knowledge management; and the chosen research niche (green transition). The strategy encompasses a polycentric model of knowledge exchange and management as instrument for research partnership and capacity building. GreenFORCE will implement a dynamic and polycentric model of knowledge consisting of: short-term staff exchanges, staff secondments across the partner organisations, online workshops, summer/winter schools, lecturers’ mobility for master and PhD courses, establishment or consolidation of research units in the WB organisations.